Southern Vietnam – People immersed in the natural landscape

Top 10 famous tourist destinations in Southern Vietnam


Not as majestic as the mountains in the North, nor as magnificent and beautiful as the sunny and windy beauty of the Central region. The South causes memories for many tourists by its gentleness, peace and simplicity. Tourism in the South stands out with immense fields of fields, storks flying straight, green rivers, lush fruit orchards… Back to the Southeast region with heroic historical sites and background unique culture. As for the West of the river, there are bustling floating markets in the early morning, creeks, ditches and sweet songs of beautiful western girls… All the beauty of the South and the people here left in the hearts of tourists with unforgettable impressions.



1. Ho Chi Minh City


Ho Chi Minh City is the largest economic-cultural center in Vietnam with many bustling cities and tall buildings. And most recently, the Landmark 81 building set a record as the tallest building in Vietnam and the tallest in Southeast Asia. Ho Chi Minh City is splendid and extravagant in the lights of the city, but still retains the charming architecture from the French colonial period. Referring to the beautiful scenery of Vietnam, surely everyone wants to come here once to visit the city that was once known as the “Pearl of the Far East”.


Famous landmarks in Ho Chi Minh City are popular with tourists such as: Independence Palace, Notre Dame Cathedral, Landmark 81, Binh Quoi tourist area, large commercial centers … Further further is Cu Chi Tunnels – Base Vietnam’s resistance war lies deep in the ground – This is an attractive place in Ho Chi Minh City interested and loved by foreign tourists.



2. Tay Ninh


Tay Ninh is a province in the Southeast region of Vietnam. This beautiful land is the bridge between Ho Chi Minh City and the capital Phnom Penh, so it possesses many unique architectures of the two countries. Tay Ninh still has many famous spiritual architectures that tourists want to explore. In particular, the spiritual landscape of Ba Den Mountain is a famous place attracting domestic and foreign tourists.



3. Vung Tau


Referring to Vung Tau tourism, we will have a peaceful feeling of the fresh blue sea and long white sand beaches, airy and spacious roads lined with green trees, majestic mountains, green and beautiful mountains. The peaceful pagodas… Vung Tau city is not only idyllic and peaceful but also has countless scenic spots, unique and attractive tourist attractions. It is loved by young people with its natural beauty and many interesting tourist attractions: Bach Dinh, Statue of Christ, Lighthouse, beaches, coastal resorts with beautiful views…



4. Long An


Long An is the gateway connecting the two Southeast regions and the Mekong Delta, so Long An has many attractive tourist attractions to attract tourists. Like other provinces in the river region, Long An is gentle with lotus fields, green melaleuca forests with mysterious paths through the forest. charming river.



5. Dong Thap


Dong Thap is a province merged from Sa Dec province and Kien Phong province since 1976 in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. This is an interesting and new place to explore for visitors today with vast lotus fields, peaceful rural scenery and attractive eco-tourism areas. Interesting places to visit: Lai Vung Fruit Garden, Phong Hoa, Sa Dec Flower Village, Ten tower lotus field…



6. An Giang


An Giang is a southwestern province, the first place in the Mekong Delta to receive water from the Mekong River. Arriving in An Giang, the first feeling is the peace and comfort here. Fresh green rice fields. The sky is high and clear. The sound of birds chirping on the tops of tall trees mixed with the sound of children playing in the rice fields. All create a beautiful picture of the countryside that surely, anyone who comes here once will remember forever.



7. Can Tho


Can Tho is a large province in the Mekong Delta in the southwestern region of Vietnam. Referring to Can Tho tourism, people will immediately think of the bustle of the floating market in the early morning, the luxuriant orchards and the unique architecture of the old houses, etc. All create a harmonious, special beauty that cannot be confused with anywhere. Can Tho tourism is an ideal destination for those who want to explore the western region of the river.



8. Kien Giang


Kien Giang is located at the southwestern end of Vietnam, with a long coastline and a border with Cambodia. Kien Giang tourism is known to many people as a famous cultural and tourism land in the Mekong Delta region. In addition to Ngoc Phu Quoc Island, to Kien Giang, visitors have countless options for attractive journeys, featuring attractive destinations such as: Ha Tien landscape, Nam Du island, U Minh Thuong forest, many pagodas unique Khmer architecture…



9. Phu Quoc Island


Phu Quoc Island (also known as Pearl Island) is the largest and most beautiful island of Vietnam. The island belongs to Phu Quoc district, Kien Giang province. Phu Quoc Island is the perfect combination of beautiful beaches, romantic sunsets, green forests and peaceful atmosphere. Especially, this place is the paradise of the most luxurious and luxurious restaurants and coastal resorts in Vietnam. Therefore, Phu Quoc Island is an ideal destination for relaxation, attracting a large number of tourists around the world.



10. Ca Mau


Cape Ca Mau belongs to the end point of Vietnam, is the sacred land of the people here and is an attractive place for domestic and foreign tourists. Coming to the last land of Vietnam, you will feel the sacredness, the “soul” of the nation through every inch of land. It also contains the love and closeness of the people of Ca Mau strangely. Ca Mau tourism promises to bring visitors many attractive attractions: Silver Mountain, Thi Tuong lagoon, Hon Khoai, Ca Mau Cape…



Southern specialties – Southern cuisine


There are many specialty dishes in the South. For example, snakehead fish cake soup, Trang Bang cake soup, Southern pancake, etc. Southern cuisine also makes people excited by the mixture of many different cuisines. Southern cuisine is a combination of northern and central culinary culture and the relevance of Khmer culture.



Culinary style


In the South, everywhere are rivers full of alluvium, interlaced canals and canals, there is no shortage of shrimp, fish, crabs and many rich aquatic species in every season. have the opportunity to enjoy delicious dishes such as hot pot of Linh cotton crazy fish, water lily with fish stock, vermicelli noodles, salad with dried fish.


Linh fish and crazy cotton are a unique combination of Western cuisine in the floating season. The early season fish is still young, the meat is soft and sweet, almost no bones. Dandelion flowers are also in the flowering season, golden, crispy, and fleshy. Combining the sweetness from the reishi fish and the sweet and sour taste of the wild cotton, it creates an irresistible delicious soup and hot pot that can’t be found anywhere else.


If the water season is famous for special dishes from Linh fish, field crabs, wild flowers, water lily, then the cuisine in the harvest season in the South cannot fail to mention grilled field mice and grilled snakehead fish. , grilled catfish with straw, …



The richness in Southern culinary culture – Southern specialties


Besides the rustic dishes that attract diners, Southern cuisine also makes people excited by the mixture of many different cuisines. Southern cuisine is a combination of northern and central culinary culture and the relevance of Khmer culture.


The dishes from other regions when introduced to the South have been varied quite a lot. For example, the noodles of the North when coming to the South become bigger, more dense and are also referred to as banh chung. Southern Banh Canh is also very rich when served with chicken, shrimp, crab, squid, pork leg


Northerners, when migrating to the South with pho and pho, began to change. important in the city. In Ho Chi Minh City, beef in pho is sold in 6 styles: ripe, rare, encrusted, bucket, tendon, beef ball depending on the preferences of the customer.


Southern pho is served with sweet sauce (black sauce), red chili sauce, lemon, fresh chili, coriander, basil, bean sprouts, thinly sliced ​​onion. Pho water is usually not as clear as Northern pho, but has a slightly cloudy color, sweeter, and fatter taste.


The rice paper of the Central region when imported to the South was also changed. Smaller rice paper, more flavors, more sophisticated processing, serving Southern snacks.



Special dishes in the South


1. Trang Bang rice paper


This is the famous Trang Bang rice paper dish in the misty Tay Ninh region. Cu Chi beef with fresh vegetables, tightly rolled with Trang Bang rice paper, dipped in a thick and fragrant seasoning sauce made from fresh pineapple juice and expert spices, it’s a great deal!


With Trang Bang book, there are many fillings that diners can freely choose to suit each person’s taste such as: roasted pork belly, boiled pork leg/baby, Cu Chi heifer, grilled snakehead fish.


In the middle of the hot summer afternoon, one person only needs a few books like this to have enough stomach for the shift to do the work in the afternoon.



2. Goby fish hotpot with leaves


A special dish to mention is the goby fish hotpot. The hot pot consists of a variety of wild vegetables and strange flowers, transported by plane from the far South, with 100% fresh goby meat, .. The fragrant hot pot is cooked by the chef for many hours with a unique secret, boiling hot, juicy, extremely attractive.


Connoisseurs will not be strange with the way of eating whole fish and soaking the whole body in the bowl of fish sauce to enjoy the full flavor of each delicious meat.


It looks easy, but you need to taste it directly to feel why this dish is so attractive.



3. Southern pancakes – A specialty dish in the South


Cakes that are both snacks and main meals also satisfy the stomach. The eye-catching bright yellow outer shell, excellent crunchy texture, wrapped in a layer of shrimp meat, makes many people fall in love.


When rolling pancakes, never forget the vegetables, and the types of raw vegetables served with them! The dish is really cool, very suitable for hot or hot weather.



4. Braised fried rice


The attraction of the dish is in the quality of the rice, the rice grains are crispy and fragrant. When biting, the crispy yet sweet taste of rice stimulates the taste buds of diners. The Western standard stew is viscous, thick, with a sweet, salty taste, a little spicy at the tip of the tongue, which is made from many ingredients such as pork, shrimp and spices.



The standard way of eating this dish is to break a small piece of fire, brush over the brown sauce that matches its name. Very easy, but the taste of braised burnt rice makes diners remember forever!

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