Things that create the beauty of Hanoi

Hanoi capital, a tourist destination has distinct differences that are not confused with any other urban area in the country and the whole Asian region. It is these differences that make a typical Hanoi, Hanoi becomes a desirable destination for many foreign tourists.



The typical beauty of Hanoi


Coming to the capital Hanoi, visitors will immediately feel the bustle of life, the diversity in cuisine and the richness of culture, history and the friendliness of the people. From the corners of the city, the buildings from the French era, the sidewalk shops with the rich local cuisine or the way Hanoians use transport also become unforgettable impressions in the heart of tourists coming to this city.


For many people, Hanoi has all the fun things need to enjoy. Come with Saco Travel and explore Hanoi in your own way.



People of Hanoi

Walking on the crowded streets when coming to Hanoi, visitors will often encounter friendly smiles from the people here, but that smile makes foreign tourists feel the warmth. Hanoians’ hospitality and make their trip as comfortable as at home.


The pedestrian area around Hoan Kiem Lake is a new tourist attraction in the capital, very attractive to international tourists. Here, visitors will have the opportunity to admire or participate in folk games of indigenous people such as jumping rope, tug of war. And the people here always welcome you with joy and enthusiasm.



The hawkers


The street vendors on the streets of Hanoi are rustic simplicity in the middle of a prosperous city. It is not known when these goods appeared, but for a long time, people have considered it as a familiar thing, as the unique beauty of Hanoi culture. On every street, the goods carry not only the gifts of the countryside, but also the hidden charm that goes along with the years, retaining the image of an old Hanoi.


Today, even though more and more commercial centers appear, crowded supermarkets or convenience stores appear, people still prefer street food as a habit. The burden of the women’s goods is like a mobile store, serving customers on every small alley. And especially, that rustic image often inspires photography with foreign guests.


Visitors can still find the characteristics of an old Hanoi through many shops where traditional artisans such as pottery, porcelain, silver, bronze… live and work. They are the keepers and preservers of Hanoi’s historical and cultural values. In addition, visitors can also immerse themselves in the ancient atmosphere in Hanoi when visiting the Temple of Literature, Vietnam’s first university and the place of worship of Confucius.


Hanoi’s old culture is also reflected in the beautiful French architecture. These works have become an indispensable part when it comes to Hanoi and are heritages with historical significance, creating an ancient beauty that needs to be preserved. The Presidential Palace, Hanoi Opera House, Hang Dau Water Tower, Long Bien Bridge… are typical works, historical destinations, and are loved by many foreign tourists.



Local food


Food is one of the favorite experiences of international tourists when it comes to Hanoi. According to many people, the cuisine here is the perfect combination of many sour, spicy, salty and sweet flavors and perfectly represents the image of a vibrant Hanoi mixed with serenity, attraction and attractiveness.


Visitors can easily enjoy Hanoi specialties at sidewalk stalls along the routes with countless attractive dishes such as beef noodle soup, bun cha, bread… Start a new day with a cup of iced coffee or an egg coffee with bold Hanoi characteristics.



Modern building


Hanoi also impresses foreign tourists by the image of new Hanoi hotels, branded shops, luxury restaurants, etc., located on the central streets. Just walking along the main roads, visitors can also find luxurious restaurants serving European – Asian dishes or interesting cafes decorated from modern to classic…



Exercising in Sword Lake early in the morning


At 5am, when many people were still deep asleep, the lakeside was bustling and crowded. Early in the morning, when the sun was just shining, the aunts and uncles and young people excitedly went to the shore of the lake to exercise. The air is fresh without any smoke and dust, the wind from the lake is cold, taking a breath to embrace the cool scent.


There are many ways to exercise around Hoan Kiem Lake, some people walk and jog around the lake, some people exercise on the spot, some people choose to ride bicycles, swing around, … voices, voices laughing, the sound of the radio playing music is so simple and so dear. Regardless of winter or summer, cold or hot, every morning people around here gather, exercise, nourish, … improve health, inhale the morning dew.



Night in Ha Noi


If you have never experienced the atmosphere of the capital at night, you have not known how beautiful this city is! During the day, Hanoi is so rushed, the flow of people is busy up and down to make a living. Even when night fell, the capital was still noisy. If you want to know how beautiful Hanoi is, go out with your loved one to the streets after 12pm!


It turned out that the old quarter of Hanoi is so beautiful, the old traditional roofs, the quiet streets. The bright yellow high-pressure lamp is not enough to illuminate the long road. Walking around the streets on a familiar motorbike, quietly watching the city fall into a peaceful sleep, the chilly night wind and a little taste of the city is such a wonderful thing.


Bored, you should try once to visit the night markets in Dong Xuan, or the early morning flower market, the Long Bien fruit and vegetable market, order a bowl of Hang Dau fish noodle soup, fragrant sticky rice with Yen, and a bowl of pho, bowl of noodles,… Perhaps you’ll find Hanoi tonight incredibly beautiful and idyllic, more in love with life and the people of this land.



Early winter Hoa Mi chrysanthemum


In recent years, at the end of autumn-early winter, many tourists flock to Hanoi to once see the pure and clear beauty of Hoa Mi chrysanthemum flowers. The flowers are small, with pure white color, not as brilliant as many other flowers, but they make people fall in love.


Many people liken the beauty of Hoa Mi chrysanthemum to the beauty of a Ha Thanh girl because the flowers have a gentle, slightly fragile beauty. Not too prominent but still attractive, no scent but still holding people’s hearts. Very close and very casual.


At the beginning of winter, Hoa Mi chrysanthemum appears everywhere on the streets of Hanoi. Streets of flowers, flower shops, or you can go directly to the flower garden, take beautiful pictures and buy a bunch of them to decorate the house. For many tourists, visiting the street vendors to buy daisies is a very interesting and new thing. Because only Hanoi can get this “specialty”.



Hanoi New Year


The moment Heaven and earth turned to the sacred New Year’s Eve, the whole country of Vietnam put on a beauty imbued with tradition. On weekdays, the modern capital of Hanoi is so busy and hastily that Tet days become quiet, bringing a strange breath of the ancient capital.


Early in the early morning of the year, spring rain falls lightly, from the big streets in the center of Hoan Kiem Lake to every small alley, all of them are quiet and empty. The flag of flowers is in the sky, the colors of spring are blooming, but there is a Hanoi with a very different beauty in the early days of the new year.


Not only that, if you have the opportunity, you should visit the capital on the days before Tet. Visit the streets of blooming flowers, the red Nhat Tan peach garden, bright yellow apricot branches, chrysanthemum flowers, roses, kumquat branches, … watch people busy preparing for the sacred moment of heaven and earth. . These days, people can look back at the typical things of the Vietnamese traditional New Year with the red dot and couplets, peach branches and kumquat branches, green banh chung, greasy pork rolls,…



Sidewalk cafe


Coming to Hanoi, visitors should not miss enjoying a cup of Hanoi sidewalk coffee, to be able to see all the noise of Hanoi and clearly feel the flow of time.


Hanoi has no shortage of street stalls, so popular that it seems to have become a cultural beauty of the people of the capital. The sidewalks were crowded with people, people were reading newspapers attentively, others were laughing and talking, happily gathering with friends over cups of coffee and pretty chairs. Not an expensive restaurant, but just a few cups of coffee, a few plastic chairs, is enough to create a great afternoon.


Drinking coffee on the sidewalk is an activity that many tourists enjoy. Excited because only sidewalk cafe can show them a friendly Hanoi, a bustling Hanoi, and feel exactly the cheerful atmosphere of Hanoi.



The peace, the ancient of the old town


No matter how developed and modern it is, the colors of serenity and nostalgia seem to intertwine and blend in every corner of Hanoi. This is most evident in the Old Quarter. This place seems to be fully encapsulating the soul of old Hanoi, where ancient Hanoi appears in every color, every corner, clearly appearing on the architectural pieces that have been tinged with time.


All bring the sad look of the time. But it is surprising that foreign tourists say that it is the sadness that makes them feel strangely peaceful and calm. Sipping a cup of coffee, watching the ancient blend with the noise, bustle and bustle of the old quarter, you will see a beautiful, peaceful and strange Hanoi.



Hanoi capital is the heart of the country, here is not only the hometown of the children here but also the second home of the people of the four countries. Love Hanoi, love the small street corners, rows of green trees, love the roadside toad shops, and love the modern features of the hustle and bustle of life here too. Try once to slow down, feel more, you will be surprised by the small but beautiful and simple things.

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