Continuing the series of diplomatic visits between the leadership of the Communist Party and State of Vietnam and China, the focus on intensifying and broadening the development of friendly cooperation has emerged as a pivotal agenda in the bilateral relationship. On the afternoon of August 2nd, 2023, the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism formally extended an invitation to the Department of Culture and Tourism of Zhejiang Province, China, unveiling an intriguing opportunity to convene and collaborate, aimed at enhancing transactions and cooperation in the realm of tourism. 

This meeting is on Thursday, the 10th of August, 2023, at the headquarters of Saco Travel Company. Attending the meeting will be delegates from the Department of Culture and Tourism of Zhejiang Province, China:

  • MR. MA ZHIYAO – Wenzhou Municipal Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau – Deputy Director 
  • Ms ZHENG NI – Department of Culture and Tourism of Zhejiang Province – Head of Department 
  • MR. LIANG BING – Department of Culture and Tourism of Zhejiang Province – Expert

Alongside the crucial participation from the Saco Travel team, including:

  • Mr. Nguyễn Ngọc Tấn – General Director
  • Ms. Nguyễn Thị Thanh Thảo – Director of Sales 
  • Mr. Phạm Ngọc Hà – Deputy General Director

During the face-to-face engagement, both parties had the platform to introduce their distinctive and captivating tourism offerings. Ranging from unique cultural heritages to breathtaking natural wonders and immersive community-based experiences, these diverse facets were presented in a meticulous and authentic manner. This interaction not only serves as an avenue for knowledge and experience sharing but also signifies the initial step towards crafting exclusive, compelling, and diversified tourism landscapes for international travelers.

The culmination of the meeting exudes optimism and enthusiasm, underscoring the unequivocal commitment of both sides to forge a sustainable collaborative relationship in the future. With the support and dedication of various tourism organizations and enterprises, it is indisputable that the future will witness robust growth in the Vietnam-China tourism sector, contributing significantly to the advancement of both economies and creating indelible experiences for global travellers.

Once again, Saco Travel extends sincere gratitude to our esteemed partners for a profoundly meaningful meeting, which has contributed to strengthening our friendship. With our dedicated mission, the Saco Travel team is committed to further development, delivering high-quality services to our valued customers.

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