Check-in places in Tay Ninh should not miss

If you think that Tay Ninh doesn’t have many places to hang out because you only know famous places like Ba Den Mountain, Holy See Temple, Dau Tieng Lake, .. then you are wrong. Currently, Tay Ninh has a lot of great entertainment and entertainment places that not everyone knows, as evidenced by the following…

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Journey to discover famous landmarks in Cu Chi, Tay Ninh

The journey back to the land of Cu Chi, Tay Ninh, you will be lost at Green Farm, explore Cu Chi Tunnels, experience the feeling of conquering Ba Den Mountain and admire the architectural beauty of the Cao Dai Holy See is very attractive. The journey to discover Cu Chi – Tay Ninh will surely bring…

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Tay Ninh Tourism – Discover the majestic land of the mountain

Tay Ninh is not a famous tourist destination, but Tay Ninh has many interesting things for you to explore and experience. Tay Ninh is about 100km from the center of Ho Chi Minh City to the west. Do not think that Tay Ninh only has famous delicious dishes, this place is also an attractive destination…

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Hoi An ancient town tourism – world cultural heritage

Located on the north bank of the lower Thu Bon River, Hoi An is an ancient town in Quang Nam, more than 30 km from Da Nang city, 122 km from Hue. Referring to Hoi An, mentioning the rows of ancient saffron-colored houses, the sparkling river with lanterns at night, or delicious dishes at affordable…

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Travel alone with destinations in Vietnam

If you are looking for beautiful, peaceful destinations for your own vacation, the following solo travel destinations in Vietnam will definitely not disappoint you.   Traveling does not have to be in a couple or in a group. Sometimes traveling alone to a strange land, meeting strangers, eating strange foods, discovering strange cultural features, ……

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Banh mi – Top 10 the world’s best street food

What is Banh mi? “That’s a symphony in a sandwich” That is how an influential culinary expert Anthony Bourdain praised Banh mi on the TV show “No Reservation” on CNN to described the most famous Vietnamese sandwich called the Banh mi. The word Banh mi was added to the Oxford English Dictionary on 24 March…

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Hoi An Ancient Town The Beauty Of Vietnamese Traditional Architecture

Hoi An – where life is so calm with ancient architecture. Hoi An Ancient Town is a famous city of Quang Nam province, an old town that remains almost intact with more than 1000 architectural monuments from streets, houses, assembly halls, communal houses, pagodas, shrines, ethnic churches, ancient wells … to the traditional dishes, the…

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Vung Ro Bay- Phu Yen the breathtaking beauty paradise of Nau

Along the S-curve of the central coastal land, you will discover the beautiful beaches and regions with blue sea, fine sand beaches, and breathtaking natural scenery. Coming to the land in Nau Phu Yen, you will be immersed in the peaceful, enchanting, and captivating sea. Besides the poetic Xuan Dai Bay, Phu Yen also owns…

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Maldives paradise ” Vietnamese version” in Ky Co Eo Gio, Quy Nhon

Ky Co Eo Gio, Quy Nhon (Binh Dinh) is also known as the Maldives paradise “Vietnamese version” with wild and charming beauty rarely seen when coming to Vietnam. How to travel to Ky Co, what to see and do? Read Saco Travel’s instructions to prepare for your trip to this gorgeous destination. Most beautiful beach…

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Best Things To Do For Your Tay Ninh Travel, Vietnam

Tay Ninh travel (Tay Ninh) is now a hot trend for both Vietnamese and foreigners. What to do in Tay Ninh? Check this list to prepare for your great trip! Conquer the Black Virgin Mountain The Black Virgin Mountain (Ba Den mountain) is one of the most popular places for Tay Ninh travel. You may…

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Pho – Everything You Need To Know

The complexity of simplicity  Traditionally, Pho noodle soup was eaten by Vietnamese people at any time of the day: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and night. Today, both locals and foreigners alike can be found hunched over steaming bowls of Pho at street carts throughout the night.  Despite its outward simplicity, Pho is underpinned by a complex arrangement of flavors and textures. …

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